Friday, February 1, 2008


Dear Cate,
Its days like today that you need to remember the next time you even vaguely consider having any more babies.
Remember that feeling in the shower this morning of complete and utter despair because you are about to have 12 two year olds descend upon your house in 30 minutes and you got 4 hours of broken sleep the night before because you were up all night coughing because you have been sick with the flu for 5 days and you are exhausted.
Remember how you cried your head off today because your son spent playgroup acting out on the other kids and how you blamed yourself for his behavior because you haven't been able to give him as much undivided attention this week.
Remember how you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and thought it was someone else because your face is so bloated and your eye sockets are dark from lack of sleep and general pregnancy hormones.
Remember the desperation you felt when you started picturing having another little one after A had his umpteenth meltdown of the day.
Please read this letter when and if you start feeling any sort of desire to get pregnant again.
Lots of love,
Your exhausted, frazzled, and having a moment of clarity self,


Amanda said...

Oh you sound completely exhausted...
I have no way of making you feel better, but do know that I have similar conversations like this with myself when I get depressed about not being pregnant with #2 by now...

I wish I could help you out with your spirited child, but I've got one too... and most of the time think I'm failing miserably as well.

Adrianne said...

Hugs Cate!! Just remember this too shall pass!!

Nicole said...

I truly hope that a good long sleep is headed your way very soon.