Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ultrasound today

I saw the little bean inside of me for the first time today. It makes this whole thing seem so very real to me now. I saw the little heart beating away and realized that there is something alive inside me. It seems weird to me that a little heart is beating away right now deep inside my womb. I am excited to meet this little person already.
S. and A. were with me and saw everything. A. had no idea what was going on and was a little angry that he didn't get to play with the ultrasound machine.
I am still nauseous and very tired. And I have gained 4 pounds already. Not so good. Hunger seems to be my worst enemy right now..every time I get the slightest bit hungry I end up feeling like I want to vomit. So I shove food in my face to feel better and it is not the best stuff to be eating.
We are leaving for Hawaii tomorrow and I am hoping that I feel okay for our trip. Wish me luck!

Monday, August 20, 2007


Man, I feel like I could vomit at any minute. I was dreading this day, which has come a week earlier than my pregnancy with A. I guess I will have to start packing the ziploc baggies with me everywhere I go now in case I need to puke on the run.
I mastered the art of puking discreetly with my pregnancy with A. I had a little baggy in my purse and I would just find a quiet place (If no bathroom was readily available) and hork my little guts out. Close up the baggy and toss it in the garbage, or zip up my purse and throw it away if I couldn't find a garbage can close by. I even kept a few in my car, although I would not recommend barfing while driving. The poor man who had the parking space next to me at work saw many unpleasant things during my pregnancy. Scary, unspeakable things.
Well, hopefully if it starts early it will end early too. I think I was finally feeling better by 14 weeks. So I have 8 weeks to go until I feel okay.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Dear lord I am so tired. I am 5 weeks 1 day tomorrow and feeling exhausted in the evenings. Even if I take a nap during the day I still feel like I have run a marathon by 7pm. Which is right during my peak of activity for the evening (bath and bedtime).
Still intermittently cramping. No sign of nausea yet, thank goodness. I am wondering how I will be feeling next week at this time, however.
Did a step class this morning and it felt great. My new heart rate monitor works great. I am glad I took the risers off of the step, though, because I was sweating my butt off with just the bench and not the riser.
Is it time for bed yet?

Friday, August 10, 2007

My first post

Well, this is my first post in my new pregnancy blog. I still can't believe that I am pregnant again. I am trying very hard to make this a positive pregnancy and a healthy one. Thus the reason for starting a blog. I am going to post at least once a week, if not more.
I am 4 weeks and 1 day pregnant.
So far my only symptoms are fatigue that lasts all day, cramping, and breast tenderness. If I remember correctly the barfing didn't start with A. until week 6 or 7. So I have a couple of weeks to try to live it up before I start throwing up nonstop. Actually, it coincides with A. and I leaving on our big trip to Hawaii, so I am sure the plane ride will be so much fun for the both of us.
I have told a couple of friends who needed to know but our families have no clue. We probably won't tell them until the trip to Hawaii. They would be suspicious if I wasn't having a yummy cocktail when we got there and they know we were trying to get pregnant so they would put two and two together anyway.
My first doctor's appt is the day before we leave. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I am hoping to make it that far. It seems hard to believe that only 10% of pregnancies that are discovered by a HPT end in miscarriage. Perhaps suffering 2 in a row makes this statistic seem unbelievable to me. I wish I could be one of those women who gets pregnant and starts buying baby clothes. But I am not.
Steve bought me a heart monitor. He is such a sweetheart of a husband. I am determined to stay active this pregnancy and try not to gain the 50 pounds I gained last time. I am going to try out my new toy at step class on Sunday.
I am excited to start this blog. It is the beginning of a wonderful journey.