Monday, August 20, 2007


Man, I feel like I could vomit at any minute. I was dreading this day, which has come a week earlier than my pregnancy with A. I guess I will have to start packing the ziploc baggies with me everywhere I go now in case I need to puke on the run.
I mastered the art of puking discreetly with my pregnancy with A. I had a little baggy in my purse and I would just find a quiet place (If no bathroom was readily available) and hork my little guts out. Close up the baggy and toss it in the garbage, or zip up my purse and throw it away if I couldn't find a garbage can close by. I even kept a few in my car, although I would not recommend barfing while driving. The poor man who had the parking space next to me at work saw many unpleasant things during my pregnancy. Scary, unspeakable things.
Well, hopefully if it starts early it will end early too. I think I was finally feeling better by 14 weeks. So I have 8 weeks to go until I feel okay.

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