Tuesday, February 12, 2008

31 weeks

And still coughing. Stupid flu just won't go away. I think I am making up for all the calories I missed when I was on my death bed two weeks ago, however. I just powered down fries and fried zucchini from Carl's Jr with Ranch. Man was it good. I also ate some cookies today, had a blizzard at TCBY, and basically snacked my way through the house. It wasn't pretty. Oh well. And this weekend I will be visiting my Mom for her birthday and she is always trying to stuff me full of food even when I am not pregnant so the week will probably end up being not so great in the weight gain department. Hopefully, Dippe is going through a growth spurt so this will all just wash out. Ha!
I woke up this morning with my old friend sciatica shooting through my right leg. Ugh. I am much farther along this time than with A when it started acting up, which is definitely a blessing. The pain went away mid-day, so I am hoping that it is just irritated from the sleeping positions I am in. The baby may be resting on something that is irritating the nerve. Unfortunately, there is not much I can do about that. Except deliver this baby in 8 weeks.
Dippe is still moving around regularly. She has been giving me very powerful thumps to the cervix which make me gasp in pain every so often. Who knew such a little thing could be so strong?
For some reason my sleeping has been better. My hips still ache and wake me up, but the time between wake ups seems to be increasing. I am grateful for any length longer than two hours, especially since A has taken to waking up at 6am sharp every morning. Luckily, he is so tired from waking up so early that he is relatively compliant about taking naps.
My stepdad is a Urologist and has his own in office ultrasound machine. While we are visiting this weekend we will get a sneak peek at Dippe again. His probe is a different size than the one they use for OB ultrasounds, however, so it does look very different. We did the same thing with A and got to see him sucking his little thumb. But we won't be able to see anything as detailed as an anatomy scan. For some reason I am paranoid that Dippe is actually Dip and all this pink stuff in the baby's room will be all wasted. My mom was like, "The baby won't know" and that is true, if Dippe were actually a boy he would have no idea he was wearing pink flowered outfits. I am usually not one to fall into gender stereotyping myself. But I have to admit that it would bother me having to explain to perfect strangers that my daughter was actually a son. And I would feel obligated to explain. I find it interesting that my mom would be okay with dressing a boy up like a girl, but almost had a heart attack when we mentioned we weren't planning on circumcising A. I guess her open mindedness only goes so far.


Amanda said...


All I can say is that I am now craving Carls Jr.


Nicole said...

I am eating my way through the world as well.

And if we were to have a boy, there would be no circumcision. My sisters think this is down right gross of me to decide.