Wednesday, February 20, 2008

32 Weeks

Well, I gained like 4 pounds in two weeks. Oops. I am trying not to beat myself up about it too much by just rationalizing that every non-baby pound I gain I will just have to lose after the baby is born. Which isn't really working. Oh well.
I had my 32 week appt today. Everything is looking fine. The doctor who freaked me out by telling me that I was measuring 2 weeks large told me today that I am now right on track. So, I got the guts to ask her what exactly that meant. She said, "Oh, nothing. It is normal to measure +/- 3 weeks. Don't worry about it." How irritating. That would've been nice information to know when she freaked me the fuck out a couple of months ago with her, "Wow, you are measuring huge!" comment.
I had a little scare happen yesterday afternoon. I woke up from my afternoon nap with a weird pain around my kidney area on the right side. It felt like a stabbing pain that just wouldn't go away. Of course, I feared the worst and immediately starting freaking out. Which made the pain worse. Poor little A didn't know what to do because he has never seen me like that. So he got his little step stool and was trying to find me a band-aid to "make it all better." It was so sweet. He even gave me kisses on the face to make me feel better...which from him is a precious gift nowadays. It got worse so I called S and asked him where he was on his drive home and luckily he was only 10 mins away. Of course, right before he gets home the pain stops. I have no idea what it was but it hasn't come back. I asked the doctor about it and she just said the baby was probably pressing on some nerve bundles and that caused the pain. It certainly didn't feel like labor...just a weird pain.
I have no new symptoms to report. Dippe is still moving around like crazy. I am getting bigger. My hands are too swollen to wear my wedding set now. I really am lucky that this time my face has stayed clear. I also don't have a linea negra to speak of, but with A by this time I had a very faint one. My hips still ache all night long and I am not sleeping well.
We got to see Dippe on Saturday at my stepdad's office. She was putting her hands around her face and sucking her thumb. It was adorable to watch. We got some pictures but not very good ones. A wasn't too impressed...he wanted to mess with the ultrasound machine and was quite put out when he didn't get to. Then my stepdad did an ultrasound on his heart and stomach and all was well.
My friend from the Mom's Club just delivered on Tuesday an 11 pound baby. Holy shit! I still haven't heard if she managed that vaginally but I am impressed nonetheless. Dear lord, please let this baby not be 11 pounds.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

It's so hard to know what should cause concern and what is no big deal. I can handle pain, it's the uncertainty I don't handle very well.