Saturday, January 5, 2008

By the way

If you ever get tired of the baby stuff, I do have another blog. I have to warn you, though, I mainly use it to vent about stuff that I wouldn't normally talk about in real life. So there is a lot of bitching and swearing on it. I also say a lot of very ugly things.
I am still kind of timid about sharing the link, so let me know if you would like to read it and I will email you.


Depressionista said...

I'm not tired of the baby stuff, but always up for a blog with swearing and bitching. My favorites! I'd love the link. If you send it to me, I'll keep it to myself and not put it up on my blogroll or anything.

I'm sorry you are getting so uncomfortable...and that you have the terrible twos on top of it! We used to do time outs with Bubba and they were awful, we had to hold him in the corner, it was traumatic. Then we decided to piggyback onto the technique his daycare uses, which is called the "quiet space" where he can go to calm down or if he needs to "think about" his behavior. He actually puts himself there by himself (it's just a chair at the end of the hallway). He will cry all the way there and then wail awhile on the chair but then, suddenly, will stop and say "I better now."

I think what you have to do is find something that really bothers the kid, and use it to your advantage. Finding it is hard, though. I hope things get better on that front soon.

Anyway...send me your link if you are okay with that! You can use the email address on my blog.

Nicole said...

Never tire of the baby stuff to be honest. But, I also like to read a bit of bitching and swearing. So feel free to do that here too.

Adrianne said...

Pick me! I LOVE Bitching!!