Thursday, January 10, 2008

26 week appt today

To VBAC or not to VBAC, that is the question.
I got to see my second favorite doctor in the practice today. She has the same very low key approach to pregnancy as my doctor, which is very refreshing. In fact, if I didn't love my main doctor so much I would probably switch to this doctor.
We had a very interesting conversation about Vaginal Birth after Cesarean today. I never really got to labor with A. My sister was diagnosed with Cephalopelvic Disproportion while giving birth to her first daughter and ended up having an emergency c-section. Long story short, I guess I have a narrow pelvis too (which is a total laugh because my ass and hips look like the classic "birthing" kind). My dr. informed me that I could probably squeeze an 8 pounder through, but anything bigger than that would be near impossible. A was 9lbs 2 oz and delivered by c-section. I had a c-section scheduled but ended up going into labor 2 days before on my own. I was in labor for approximately 12 hours with no change in my cervix and since we had already scheduled the c-section my doctor ended up doing one.
I always wondered if I should've pressed the issue more and at least attempted to get to active labor to see what happened. Honestly, after experiencing so many losses I was just happy to get a live baby out of the whole process and didn't care about how he got here. So I just trusted my doctor's instincts and went ahead with the c-section.
Now Dr. #2 is telling me that she thinks a VBAC would be appropriate here and that there really is no way to predict how big the baby will be and how everything will turn out. Also, they can't force me to do a repeat c-section. Why wasn't this stuff brought up the first time? I kind of got the impression from MY doctor that a c-section was the only way to go even though it was my first attempt at delivery.
I just don't know what to do now. I want the baby to get here safely. I also want to attempt a birth the old fashioned way. There are risks to repeat c-section as well as to a VBAC. Do I let my desire for a vaginal birth lead me down a path that could end up in having an emergency c-section due to failure to progress? Or a possible uterine rupture causing fetal death or hysterectomy (the risk is <1%)?
I just don't know. And the doctor couldn't give me the magic answer I was looking for. She couldn't say either way what would be best. She basically told me that the decision is up to me.
In other news, my uterus is still measuring two weeks ahead, my GTT was normal, and everything is looking very healthy.
And I think I have decided on a name.


niobe said...

It's a difficult choice. Could you go into it with the idea that you'd attempt a VBAC, but if that became problematic, that you'd have a c-section?

Depressionista said...

If all the risks are equal, I say go with what you feel will make you feel most content and at peace with yourself. If the risks are different, than I have to go with whatever has the likeliest outcome of healthy baby...

By the way, I'm still waiting for that link to your "bad" blog!

Nicole said...

A very tough choice to be made here, but you certainly have a little time to think about it. The VBAC sounds like something worth entertaining so long as you don't get your heart set on it.