Friday, September 7, 2007

Note to self...

Don't go on 5 hour plane rides with a 2year old and also be 8 weeks pregnant. A. was a dream, but I however could smell every person with bad breath that sat on the plane. And the food they were making. And my mom's perfume. I wanted to die.
On another note, Hawaii smelled very good. It rained every day we were there and the whole place smelled wonderfully fresh and clean and earthy.
S's smell continues to thwart me. I love the man and normally love his smell but right now I feel like I want vomit when he wears any sort of cologne or deodorant. Why do all men's products have to smell so musky?
So, in short I am still naseous, still vomiting intermittently, still fatigued and infinitely looking forward to a month from now when I can turn the corner and start feeling better and wearing maternity clothes.
On another note, we made the big announcement the day after our ultrasound results. And today I told playgroup. Soon, the whole club will know that I am pregnant. It was a big step for me to announce it so soon but I feel confident that everything is okay now that I got the okay from my doctor.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well Cate, it appears that congratulations are again in order. So, congratulations :)