Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Insomnia strikes again

I woke up at 4 am this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. My mind was whirling with thoughts and music kept playing in the background (R. Kelly's Ignition(Remix) and Beautiful Liar by Beyonce/Shakira in case you are curious). I knew Steve's alarm clock was going to go off at 5:45 am but no matter how I tried I couldn't go back to sleep. I seem to recall this happening with A's pregnancy too but I don't remember when it started. I wish I had kept a pregnancy journal.
Funny thing is that I was sleeping on the couch last week while I was sick with my cold so my coughing wouldn't wake A or S up. I slept like a log on that couch. No tossing and turning or waking up early. I wonder what it is about that couch that lets me sleep so well. Maybe it is the fact that I am sleeping alone?
I have to be honest, I have never understood the reasoning behind why husbands and wives have to sleep together in the same bed in the same room. I mean, when you are sleeping its not like you are going to be having heart to heart discussions about your life philosophies. Sex could always be accomplished in one bed and then each party goes on to their separate bed in their separate room afterwards.
S gets annoyed when I mention this because he thinks I am saying something about sleeping in bed with HIM. He actually is a relatively quirk free bed partner. He DOES push all the covers on me when he is hot and wiggles his feet when he is falling asleep and he snores occasionally. Other than those things, however, he is a relatively considerate bed mate. Well, except for the fact that he hits his snooze button 3 times before getting up.
Sleep never became more precious to me than when I became a Mom. Now I know that even one hour of lost sleep is exactly that...lost. A wakes up and my day starts, no matter what the time on the clock says. Sometimes I get to nap during the day when A naps, but it is hard for me to nap knowing that he could wake up at any moment. I usually fret about it until it gets too late to fall asleep.
I guess this is the sacrifice we make when we get married/have kids. Sharing our bed and our sleep is a reminder that we are no longer autonomous. I just wish the reminder wasn't so glaring for me.

1 comment:

Working Mom said...

It's Heather (aka MayMom73) from the MMB. I have always wondered the same things about martial sleeping arrangements. When DH is away for business or falls asleep on the couch downstairs, the sheer luxury of sleeping in the middle of the bed makes me giddy. I hope you get some rest tonight!