Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Saw baby bean again today

He/She actually looks more human now and is much bigger. Everything is looking well, arm buds and leg buds in all the right places. My doctor is trying to be optimistic about the chances of having a VBAC but I am skeptical. Honestly, at this point the idea of pushing a baby out of me seems scary since all I have ever done is the surgical way, which is much easier. The recovery is not as easy, but getting the baby out is much quicker.
I have my typical pregnancy cold going on right now, which is discouraging. I had two before 13 weeks during my pregnancy with A. My ob doesn't advise any drugs prior to 13 weeks, even those thought to be safe during pregnancy. And she told me the same thing at my appointment today. Which means I am miserable with this terrible sinus pain. Ah well, sacrifice is good every now and then, right?


Adrianne said...

Glad you got to see he/she. Sorry about the cold!

Amanda said...

YAY! I love it when they look a bit normal :)