Monday, September 17, 2007

Head in the toilet, yeah yeah yeah

Man, I really should've remembered that it is imperative to scrupulously clean your toilets before you enter the head in the toilet phase of pregnancy. It is such a vicious cycle. I puke, I see yuckies in the toilet, I puke some more. Yuckies don't go away and now I am looking at regurgitated cheerios and more puking commences. Eventually my stomach finally realizes that there is nothing left in my stomach to puke and the puking stops. For a short while.
I finally christened the car today by puking in it while in the parking lot of the lab where I had my blood drawn. Of course, once again, my ziploc had a leak in the bottom of it so I ended up essentially puking on my jeans. So fun.
S. has been so lovely about the whole thing. He has been doing dishes, changing poopy diapers (A's, not mine), and keeping this ship afloat while I watch TV and sleep on the couch. Not to mention that he is doing this after I told him multiple times that he can't turn towards me while sleeping because the smell of his breath wakes me up. Poor man gets 8 weeks off on sabbatical and ends up spending half of it tending to his sickened wife and unruly 2 year old.
He is currently at the store with A. because the smell of the grocery store would probably be my undoing, especially WalMart. Love. That. Man.
I will be 10 weeks along in 2 days and I am praying that I will get a respite from all the ickiness sooner rather than later. I have a doctor's appt on Wednesday...we will see how that goes.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You have a great way of making your readers feel like they're going to barf. Thanks Cate.

But, I am glad to hear the pregnancy is going, otherwise, smoothly :)