Friday, December 14, 2007

Doctor's Appt

I am now 22 weeks 2 days gestation. And I have gained 15 pounds. Stupid cookies.
My appt. went well. Quickest appt I have had since I found out I was pregnant. I didn't have to wait the customary 15-20 minutes before I got into the exam room, which was a nice surprise. The Dr. has gotten a new assistant and she was very nice.
The doctor himself was very nice as well..his bedside manner has improved greatly. The only problem was that he had a gigantic booger hanging out of his nose. I was so distracted by it that I could barely pay attention to what he said the whole time he was talking to me. I kept trying to avoid looking at it, but my eyes would drift down and then I would get grossed out and look away. Yes, I know I should've said something but I don't know the guy very well and am a chicken shit. If it had been a friend I would've. I feel bad now. Hopefully his assistant noticed and helped him out.
Anyway, my ultrasound results were in as well as the AFP results. Everything was normal, which is wonderful. Next is my GTT in 3-4 weeks and then it is cruising like a bloated viking ship towards delivering this little girl. Hopefully I make it through the holidays without packing on any more pounds. I think I am doing okay compared to Angus, though. I couldn't wear my wedding rings by this time in his pregnancy.
You may be thinking, "Why is she so obsessed with her weight gain?" Well, because I realized how stupid I was in my pregnancy with Angus by eating like a fiend and gaining so much weight. It was a bitch to lose and took me over a year (not a year from when he was born, a year from when I started actually trying. Angus was actually 8 months old) to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. So, I am trying to be more sensible this time. I am 3 years older this go around, and my body just doesn't bounce back as well.


Nicole said...

All such good news!!! Congratulations! I do wonder whatever happened to that booger though. Ewww.

Depressionista said...

Great news! Glad to hear everything looks good, but sorry about the booger!!! That made me laugh out loud. I HATE that!

Wow. You actually got back to your prepregnancy weight. Good for you! I think I actually gained more weight AFTER having Bubba than I did while pregnant with him!